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Your Spring Intermittent Fasting Challenge Checklist! [2024]

On Monday, April 1st we're kicking off the Spring Intermittent Fasting Challenge!

If you haven't already joined, head over HERE for the deets to get started! You'll be joining AENpeeps around the WORLD in this incredible journey to help the body tap into fat burning mechanisms and feel GOOD again!

intermittent fasting challenge for women

This Challenge, we're focused on spring cleaning (the GI tract 😉) ~We'll be prioritizing Intermittent Fasting strategies to heal the gut and tap into fat burning mechanisms. We'll also be incorporating delicious recipes and meals to support the same goals.

Scroll down for your Spring Challenge Checklist!👇🏻

intermittent fasting challenge for women

1. Grab your Program

Regardless of where you're at in your wellness journey, we're all following the 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program. This is the program that has helped thousands of men and women, like Jeannette, Ron and Karola, to tap into fat burning mechanisms while eating meals they LOVE.

We're focusing on the core principles of Intermittent Fasting, AEN Nutrient Timing and fueling the body with food that supports our goals.

You can grab your 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program HERE.

intermittent fasting challenge program

2. Prep + Read!

This step is crucial for your success! The Program is packed with the tips, strategies, meals and tools to help you tap into fat burning mechanisms and feel GOOD again 🤓

3. Grab Your Protein Powder

Protein is essential to achieve a body recomposition goal (this is where you lose body fat without losing muscle mass). For a simple, easy and delicious zero sugar protein powder to use in recipes all Challenge long, stock up on my Pasture-Raised Protein HERE.

autumn bates protein powder

4. Join the AEN Facebook Group

This is an excellent way to keep you accountable and share your journey throughout the Challenge with thousands of other AENpeeps. Head over HERE and say hello!

5. Set a Goal

If weight loss is one of your goals, this is a great time to take a few pictures. The scale isn't the best measurement of progress (because it can't track body recomposition), so having a few pictures on hand (as well as taking a few pictures at the end of the challenge) is a much better way to keep track of your progress.

6. Join Me LIVE On YouTube Each Week Of The Challenge!

I'll be going LIVE on YouTube every Monday of the Spring Intermittent Fasting Challenge to share with you additional Intermittent Fasting tips, strategies AND some Live Q+A! Make sure you're subscribed to my channel HERE with notifications turned on so you don't miss out! The first YouTube live will be held on Monday, April 1st at 11am PST.

And that's it! You're all set! I can't wait to kick off the Spring Intermittent Fasting Challenge with you! Don't forget to grab your 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program HERE to get started!

Smoothie cheers,


intermittent fasting meal plan for women

Autumn Elle Nutrition

934 views3 comments


Lisa Wise
Lisa Wise
Mar 25

is the 21 day inter.. fasting book I gotin the black Friday offer the same as the 21 day Inter.. The 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program [UPDATED + REVISED]? do I need to purchase this updated version in addition to the one I have already?

Replying to

Hi Lisa! Yes, it's the same program. You do not need to purchase it again in order to participate in the Challenge :)


Lisa Wise
Lisa Wise
Mar 25

did the smoothie recipies come in my black Friday bundle?

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