Today, I want to highlight one of the AENpeeps, Christina. Beyond the weight loss that Christina experienced, she also made tremendous strides with all areas of wellness. Christina is feeling really GOOD again while eating meals that she loves! And when it comes to achieving and maintaining long term progress, this combination is crucial.
"When I started this journey I was 180, I'm now down to 166lbs, more energy, and eating healthier than ever before. More than that I just feel really good mentally and physically which is something I’ve wanted to be as a mother of 3."
Checkout Christina's inspiring story below!

Tell us about yourself!
As a mother of 3 who has also fought with PCOS most of her life, losing weight had become a challenge over the last 10 years. I was always slim however, cue in the ugly PCOS monster that like to cause insulin resistance. In 2019, my father passed away and I had gained the most weight at 216. I decided at that point it was time to take my life in my hands and not let my medical opportunities control me. Fast forward to 2021, losing 35lbs but hitting a plateau. Something needed to change!
Which of the Programs did you use?
Honestly, I toggled back and forth between the 21 Day and the Level Up. While I was new to the program as a whole, both books offered recipes and guidelines that were beneficial.
What was your main wellness goal with the Intermittent Fasting Programs?
My goal was weight loss for the additional 15-20lbs needed and to find something that worked for my body.
What's the biggest "wellness win" you experienced?
When I started this journey I was 180, I'm now down to 166lbs, more energy, and eating healthier than ever before. More than that I just feel really good mentally and physically which is something I’ve wanted to be as a mother of 3. I know this is something I can maintain for the future once I get to my final goal of 160 maybe 150. One step at a time!
What's your favorite meal from the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle?
ALL the smoothies!
Did you have a "Nutrition Nerd" moment?
The cauliflower rice bowl was hands down the best and surprisingly full of nutritional foods I didn’t think I would like. I had always turned my nose up at radishes and cilantro but in this bowl which I use with ground Turkey I could eat it every week! It is easy to make and don’t tell my husband this...puts Chipotle to shame.
Anything else you would like to share?
The friendships I’ve made in the process (in the Facebook group)! Didn’t think that would happen and it makes my heart so happy to know I have a support system in this. Someone I can go to for advice or do the same for them. She also makes the most beautiful dishes and I hope to be like her some day.
This has been such a Great experience and I’ve loved every min. Learning new things for myself and husband who tagged along. Although he definitely whined more than I did. 🤣 IF in the house for life and it doesn’t cost a fortune like many programs do.
Join thousands of men and women (like Christina!) around the world and start feeling GOOD again with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle Programs!
Head over HERE to get started!
Your Nutritionist,

Autumn Elle Nutrition