Peppermint tea is delicious and cozy drink to start or end your day with. But will drinking peppermint tea break a fast?
Let's dive into it.

Does Peppermint Tea Break a Fast?
Whether you're following a true fast or a fasting mimicking approach, peppermint tea without anything else added will not break your fast. However, when choosing your peppermint tea, it's always a good idea to check the ingredients label and nutrition facts. You ideally want to only see peppermint in the ingredients list. Any additions could potentially break a fast.
Peppermint tea doesn't contain significant nutrients to block the gut healing mechanism of Intermittent Fasting, called the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC).
And because peppermint tea doesn't contain any caffeine, you can feel free to sip on this at any time of day during your fasting period. You can check out the perks of a true fast with THIS blog post.
Peppermint tea also has the additional perks of helping to reduce hunger. In fact, sipping on peppermint tea in the evening could help to reduce cravings for dessert.
I personally like to make my own peppermint tea by getting fresh peppermint and pouring hot water over it. Let it sit for 5 minutes before drinking to infuse that peppermint goodness.
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From a fat burning perspective, peppermint tea does not contain any nutrients that will spike the storing hormone insulin. This means that by drinking peppermint tea during your Intermittent Fast, you will not turn off fat burning and therefore still reap the benefits of fat burning during the fast.
However, once you add in any sugar or more than 1 Tbsp. of heavy cream or half and half, then this will break both types of fasts.
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❤️ Autumn

Autumn Elle Nutrition