Celsius has exploded as the energy drink of choice in the last few years. But will sipping on Celsius break your Intermittent Fast? Let's dive into the details.

Does Celsius Break a Fast?
One of the main goals with Intermittent Fasting is to reduce the insulin response in order to tap into fat burning mechanisms.
The food sources that spike insulin (and therefore break this type of Intermittent Fast) include protein and carbohydrates. As a good rule of thumb in the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle, I typically recommend staying under one gram total of protein and carbs. Exactly how many grams of protein or carbs that will cause an insulin response is variable from person to person. However, aiming for the "One Gram Rule" is a safe option.
So will Celsius break a fast? It depends on which Celsius you're looking at. The Celsius Heat option contains 2 grams of carbohydrates (and a whopping 300mg of caffeine). This level of carbs breaks the one gram rule and could break a fast. Same goes for the Celsius BCAAs, which also clock in at 2 grams of carbohydrates. The original Celsius appears to contain zero grams of carbs or protein, so technically this option might not break a fast. But it also contains Sucralose which is an artificial sweetener. It technically won't cause an insulin response and therefore shouldn't break a fast, but it's something to think about.
However, from a nutrition perspective, the extremely high level of caffeine can be a concern. Caffeine won't break a fast, but high levels of caffeine can lead to energy crashes later in the day that cause you to reach for fast sources of energy - either more caffeine or sugary treats. As a rule of thumb, I always recommend opting for natural (and lower) sources of caffeine from coffee or tea. Bonus: these items don't break a fast either!
The verdict: The original Celsius will not break your fast, however all other versions of Celsius likely will due to the carbohydrate content. However, I personally recommend opting for coffee or tea as a much better alternative to get your daily dose of caffeine.
Psssst... curious how long YOUR Intermittent Fast should be? Take my FREE Intermittent Fasting Schedule Quiz by clicking the button below!
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❤️ Autumn

Autumn Elle Nutrition