Nutpods are dairy-free coffee creamers that have become wildly popular. But if you're intermittent fasting, do Nutpods break a fast? Today, I'm diving into the details of whether or not you can use Nutpods while you fast!

Do Nutpods Break A Fast?
One of the main reasons Intermittent Fasting can be such a great tool for weight loss is because you naturally have lower levels of the fat storing hormone insulin while you are fasted.(1) This means the body is able to turn on fat burning (aka lipolysis) during your fasted state and work toward your weight loss goal. If you are using Intermittent Fasting to achieve a weight loss goal, then the main area of focus is keeping insulin and blood glucose levels from spiking during your fast. If you consume any liquid or food that spikes insulin, then this will "break" the fast.
The two main food sources that spike insulin are protein and carbohydrates. According to the Nutpods nutrition facts, a one tablespoon serving of the Original Unsweetened Nutpods contains 0g protein, 0g carbs and 1g fat. In fact, each of their flavors has the same nutrition facts profile of 0g protein, 0g carbs and 1g fat. Fat does not stimulate the storing hormone insulin and therefore can be had during your fasting window. This means that Nutpods will not break a fast at the one tablespoon serving.
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The one caveat to consider is the "oat milk" Nutpod option. Although these have the same 0g protein, 0g carbs, 1g fat ratio, the main concern is at what point does this increase to 1g carbohydrates? Oats are primarily made of carbohydrates. This is why one cup of unsweetened oat milk usually comes in at around 18g of carbohydrates. That's a significant amount of carbohydrates in just one cup. Even just one ounce of oat milk still comes in at over 2g of carbohydrates. Which makes one wonder how Nutpods was able to get below the 1g of carbohydrates mark with their oat milk alternative. Perhaps using more than one tablespoon may in fact increase the carbohydrates to above that 1g carbohydrate threshold. Without verification on the specific grams of carbohydrates in a container of the oat milk Nutpods, I would err on the side of choosing the almond and coconut based Nutpods during your fast to ensure it won't break a fast.

Can You Use Other Coffee Creamers While Fasting?
Coffee creamers can range from the classic sweetened French Vanilla options to unsweetened half and half or heavy whipping cream. One tablespoon of either unsweetened half and half or heavy whipping cream comes in at less than 1g of protein and 1g of carbohydrates, making it perfectly fine to be had during your fasting period (at the one tablespoon serving). Other coffee creamers typically use a multitude of added sugars or sweeteners that will significantly spike insulin and therefore will break a fast. If you're using other coffee creamers, it's best to stick with one tablespoon of heavy whipping cream or half and half (preferably grass-fed and organic) during your fasted period.
In fact, you can check out one of my favorite fasting approved coffee recipes that uses heavy whipping cream with my article HERE.
Get the step-by-step, meal-by-meal details of how to use Intermittent Fasting to achieve your weight loss goals with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle!
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Your Nutritionist,

Autumn Elle Nutrition