Almost all of the articles I create on Autumn Elle Nutrition are the direct result of questions I get on Instagram, YouTube and in the private Facebook group. One that I've been seeing come up recently is whether there's a difference between coconut oil and coconut butter. Although these two ingredients have very similar names, they're actually quite different! Especially when utilizing Keto Coffee and Smoothies within The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle!
Today, I'm breaking down the difference between these two pantry staples, including the ideal times to have each of them!
Coconut Butter
What is it?!
Coconut butter is formed by grinding the meat of a coconut until a "spread" is formed. As a result, the final product contains a small amount of protein (about 1 gram per 1 Tbsp.), carbs (3 g/1 Tbsp.) and fiber (2g/1 Tbsp.). Otherwise, it contains much of the same fats as coconut oil, because coconut oil is directly derived from the meat of coconuts as well.
The best time to use it
Because coconut butter contains some carbohydrates and protein, you do NOT want to have this during your fasted state while following The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle principles. The carbs and protein will break your fast. However, coconut butter is an amazing fat source in smoothies! It adds to the satiety of the smoothie while providing a creamy texture as well. I recommend the Blueberry Hemp and Almond Butter Cup Smoothies from The 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program.
Coconut Oil
What is it?!
Coconut oil is taken from the flesh of coconuts. It is pure fat and therefore will not break your fast while following The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle protocols. (Wondering why it doesn't break your fast? Check out THIS article.) Coconut oil is made of a variety of fats, but the majority of the fat composition is from lauric acid (which is typically missing from most MCT oils). Coconut oil acts as an anti-microbial (mostly due to the lauric acid) and has been found to increase heart healthy HDL cholesterol. A study also found that supplementing with 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil (double the amount in one cup of Keto Coffee) per day can help to reduce waist circumference.
The best time to use it
Coconut oil is a great oil to cook with. But more importantly, it's amazing in a hot cup of Keto Coffee! Hands down, my favorite time of the day is the morning, after I've finished my workout and when I'm sitting down to a frothy cup of Keto Coffee. If you haven't made your first cup yet, head over HERE to get started!! Especially now that you know the amazing benefits! 🤓
Whip up your first cup of Keto Coffee and start feeling GOOD again with The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle! Heal your gut, clean up your cells and boost your energy levels TODAY!
Head over HERE to get started!
Your Nutritionist,
Autumn Elle Nutrition