If you're trying to eat healthy to support a weight loss or wellness goal, it's important that you actually like what you're eating... otherwise it's very easy to "fall off the wagon" and eat something that doesn't support your goals.
As a Nutritionist, I love having eggs for breakfast. Eggs are a nutrition power house that have been found to help keep you satisfied for multiple hours on end. But, it's also really easy to get sick of eggs every now and then.
So today, I'm sharing 9 healthy breakfast ideas that aren't eggs to help provide you some meal inspiration and get you excited about your weight loss or wellness journey.

Almond Butter + Blueberry Protein Smoothie
When done the right way, smoothies are a fast and easy way to pack in the protein, fat and fiber needed to keep you satisfied and have stable blood sugar levels all morning long.
This recipe combines almond butter with low sugar blueberries for a delish, high protein meal.
Grab the recipe HERE.

Pumpkin Spice Grain-Free Oatmeal
Regular oatmeal contains zero complete protein and tends to cause a blood sugar spike and fall in many people. This crash can leave you feeling hungry within a few hours after your meal. Instead, try making a grain-free oatmeal alternative that's packed with protein and satiating anti-inflammatory fats.
Get the recipe HERE.

Detox Chia Pudding
Chia pudding can be used for either break-fast or lunch. But it's really important you make it the right way! Unfortunately most chia pudding recipes are high in sugar and low in protein, making it a terrible option for a weight loss goal. Instead, it's important to focus on high protein, low sugar recipes.
Try out my high protein, low sugar Detox Chia Pudding recipe HERE.

Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
Are you a peanut butter fan? If so, you're going to LOVE this high protein, creamy and peanut butter packed smoothie!
Get the recipe HERE.

Cottage Cheese + Berries Bowl
Cottage cheese is crazy high in protein. Just about 1 1/4 cup gives you 30 grams of complete protein! Try combining cottage cheese with lightly sautéed frozen blueberries and a few tablespoons of slivered almonds.

Chocolate Chip Protein Waffles
Typical waffles are high in refined flours and sugar. My protein waffle recipe is packed with 26 grams of complete protein per serving. Plus, you can top your waffles with 1/3 cup of skyr yogurt to get another 10 grams of protein!
Try adding 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips to my vanilla bean protein waffle recipe HERE.

Skyr Yogurt Bowl with "Granola"
As mentioned above, skyr is a high protein yogurt. You can bump up the protein even further (and add a hint of sweetness!) by stirring in a scoop of my zero sugar vanilla protein powder. Try topping it with nuts and seeds with my "granola" recipe HERE.

Almond Butter Recovery Smoothie
This smoothie is high in protein and necessary nutrients to help you recover from your workout.
Grab the recipe HERE.

Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes
Prefer your waffles in pancake form? Try making my Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes! Just add two tablespoons of chocolate chips to THIS recipe. You can even find my zero sugar whipped cream topping in that blog post, too!
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❤️ Autumn

Autumn Elle Nutrition