You would think that Keto Coffee was a child or family member of mine for how many pictures I have of it in my phone. Case in point, this picture taken below. But it's because Keto Coffee is SO. FREAKING. GOOD. and makes you feel SO. FREAKING. GOOD. that I can't help taking a picture of it every time I make an epic cuppa!

If you're new to Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle protocols, Keto Coffee is an AMAZING tool to use for helping you ease into IF. The high quality fats in Keto Coffee help to stabilize blood glucose levels and reduce hunger that you may experience in the beginning of IF. Plus, because there is zero sugar or protein in Keto Coffee, it doesn't produce an insulin response, keeping your body in fat burning mode! With one of the main goals of the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle being reducing the insulin response in order to tap into fat burning mechanisms, Keto Coffee is right in line!
But making your first cup can be a little daunting, especially if you're used to grabbing coffee from your local coffee shop or adding a bit of sugar to sweeten it up. But once you have the proper tools and the simple steps to make your Keto Coffee extra frothy, whipping up your daily cup will be a piece of cake.
Here's everything you need to make your first cup of Keto Coffee frothy and delicious!

French Press
I prefer a French press because it doesn't have a paper filter that can remove the beneficial antioxidants that make coffee so great. The brand I use is Bodum and the exact model I use can be found HERE. It's one of the traditional French press options and I've been using it for years.
Coffee Grinder
I freshly grind my coffee beans each morning in order to reduce the oxidative damage that can result to the oils within the beans from being ground days or weeks in advance. When the oils are exposed to air from being ground, it can become oxidized and the benefits from the coffee can be reduced. Plus, freshly ground coffee tastes so much better and takes an additional 10 seconds to prep.
THIS is the very inexpensive coffee grinder that I use and that you'll often see in my YouTube videos. There are certainly VERY expensive coffee grinders you can get, but this is a much more affordable option I've been using for years and have found success with.
High Quality Blender
If you're following the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle protocols, you're likely finding yourself using a blender quite often! I personally use a Vitamix because I use my blender at least two times a day (Keto Coffee and smoothie - sometimes again in the evening if I'm making a sauce that needs to be blended). You don't NEED to use a Vitamix, but I like using it because you can control the speed of the blend in a step-wise manner so that your Keto Coffee doesn't explode through the top (obviously, not something you want). Plus, you can get a multiple year warranty (I believe I paid a little extra for the 10 year warranty and it's WORTH it!).
THIS is the model I use.
Other AENpeeps also use a Ninja Blender or Magic Bullet and have found success. I have used the Ninja Blender in the past but I personally found that it leaked and broke much too soon for the price. Again, for how often I use my blender, I went for a high quality blender and I certainly feel like I have gotten my money's worth, but it's completely up to your own personal preference.

Mold-Free, Organic Coffee
The ONLY coffee I recommend is Purity Coffee. They lab test their coffee to ensure that it is mold-free, which is crucial for me. I've found that by removing mold and mold toxins from my coffee, this alone has been a huge help for reducing my anxiety that typically accompanied drinking coffee.
You can get 10% off all of your orders with Purity (including repeat purchases in the future) by using my code "autumn" at checkout. Check them out HERE.
Grass-fed Butter or Ghee
You can use a variety of brands that are grass-fed - this also depends on your personal preference! A more affordable option is Kerrygold which can be found in most grocery stores or on Amazon Fresh HERE. A few other brands that I love are 4th and Heart for ghee and Organic Pastures for a grass-fed, organic and raw butter option. Keep in mind, Organic Pastures is very expensive, but their product is very high quality. I don't use their product regularly but I do appreciate that there are extremely high quality and raw dairy products available.
Looking for a plant-based alternative? Head over HERE for the deets.
Unrefined Coconut Oil
I prefer coconut oil vs. MCT (which I detail my reasoning why HERE). I personally use the organic, unrefined 365 brand through Whole Foods, which you can find HERE or at your local Whole Foods.
Another great brand is called Nutiva and you can get really large 54 oz. containers of it to last you a while. You can find it HERE.
Now that you have everything you need, check out my video below for exactly how to put the pieces together to make the FROTHIEST cup of Keto Coffee!
Your Nutritionist,
